"Landscape", mixed media on canvas, 60 x 78 inches, 2023 "Sunset", mixed media on canvas, 78'74 x 60'24 inches, 2023 "Quartz City", mixed media on canvas, 35'4 x 38'2 inches, 2019 "Waterfalls", acrylic on canvas, 47'64 x 35'82 inches, 2021 "Caribean. Landscape", mixed media on canvas, 19'7 x 43'3 inches, 2019 "Ferns", mixed media collage on cloth collage, 52'75 × 36'2 inches, 2021 "Ferns", mixed media on cloth , 45'27 x 60'23 inches, 2019 "Orchids and palm trees", mixed media on cloth, 11'8 × 11'8 × 3'1 inches, 2021 "Under the water", acrylic on wood, 12 × 12 inches, 2021 "Waterfall and plants", mixed media on wood, 7'87 × 5'9 × 2'36 inches, 2021 "Night plants", mixed media on wood, 11'8 × 11'8 inches, 2020 "To the sea", mixed media on cloth, 27'2 x 38'2 inches, 2019 "Between gardens", acrylic on canvas, 64'9 x 59 inches, 2018 "Jumbled blues", acrylic on canvas, 68'11 x 53'54 inches, 2018 "Jungles", acrylic on canvas, 71 x 47 inches, 2018 "Feast", acrylic and ink on paper inside acrylic box, 7'5 x 5'5 inches, 2018 "Bouquet", acrylic on canvas, 11'8 inches of diameter, 2018 "American landscape", acrylic on canvas, 15'75 inches of diameter, 2018 "Aquatic landscape", acrylic on canvas, 11'8 inches of diameter, 2018 "Symbiosis in flower", acrylic on canvas, 8'66 inches of diameter, 2018 "Earth and its layers. Mineral", acrylic on wood, 7'9 x 7'9 inches, 2018 "Organic projection", acrylic on wood, 5'1 x 7'1 inches, 2018 "Underground and fern", acrylic on canvas, 7'9 x 11'8 inches, 2018